Infographic Design of Thailand Geography

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ฐิติกาญจน์ แสงแก้ว
วิสิฐ จันมา


The infographic design research regarding Thailand’s geography aims to 1. Study and analyze Thailand’s geography content from the content in Social, Religion, and Cultural Studies Unit 2 on Thailand’s geography as well as other additional information to form a content which covers literatures, articles, and other documents; the gathered information is then analyzed and summarized to be used in the design, 2. To study and analyze an effective form of an infographic design from studying the award winning and widely famous works of infographic on both printed and online form that possess the design composition related to the research which will be used in the design process, 3. To design an infographic regarding Thailand’s geography which will be released in a form of e-book, 4. To evaluate efficiency and satisfaction of the infographic where the assessment is divided into two areas which are 1. Design, and 2. Content, the design efficiency is evaluated by seven experts in the fields of design and geographical content, and the satisfaction is evaluated by 169 seventh grade students; the statistic used in this research is percentage, average (X), and standard deviation (S.D.). The result shows that the efficiency evaluation by seven experts has a total average of 4.14 which indicates that the overall efficiency is very appropriate, and the satisfaction evaluation by 169 seventh grade students has a total average of 4.70 which indicates that the overall design is the most appropriate.

Keywords : Geography Infographic

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