A jewelry collection design from bridge on the river kwai theme

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Waraporn Paengpong


        The objectives of the study on A jewelry collection design from bridge on the river kwai are to study the jewelry collection from bridge on the river kwai and to design the jewelry collection from bridge on the river kwai, Kanchanaburi. The research is divided into 3 parts. The research results reveal that in Part 1; studying the form from the group of producers and distributors for finding the jewelry collection from bridge on the river kwai, the agreement is in the high level. For Part 2; designing to create the jewelry collection from bridge on the river kwai by 3D graphic designers with the 3D graphic computer program following the steps; 1) Designing by the information obtained from the design summary, 2) Selecting of jewelry collection, 3) Drawing the design, 4) Doing the layout, 5) Making the model. Part 3; evaluating the works of jewelry collection from bridge on the river kwai. The tool used for the data collection is the scaled questionnaire. The evaluation result reveals that for the simplicity of perfect shape, chances in usage, maintenance of properties of the applied materials, creation of beauty, and creation in utilities, the agreement is in the highest level. The mean of all items is 4.59 and the standard deviation is 0.52.

Keywords : A Jewelry collection design

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