The Graphic Design to Reflect Cultural Identities of Local People in Maha Sarakham Province : A Case Study of “Hoop Tam” Mural Painting การออกแบบกราฟิกที่สะท้อนสัญลักษณ์ของชาวจังหวัดมหาสารคาม

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Suebsiri Saelee


               The study on the graphic design to reflect the culturalidentities of Maha Sarakham province was purposively conducted to: 1) explore and analyze the background of Hoop Tam mural painting at Wat Pha Ra Rai in Maha Sarakham province; 2) develop the sign that effectively present Maha Sarakham province through a case study of Hoop Tam mural painting; and 3) evaluate the participant’s satisfaction toward the sign model. The methodology was started by considering a variety of academic documents and websites to assemble the ground knowledge for the conceptual frame work of this study. The target group comprised the tourists staying in the local area while the field data was collected by site-visiting as well as the questionnaire used with 300 participants toevaluatetheir satisfaction
. The collected data was later synthesized to define the graphic designing process and the findings were summarized and analyzed again to create the suitable signsto present Maha Sarakham province. These signs were finally verified and evaluated by 3 specialists whose comments were used forthe sign finalization. As a result, it was indicated that the identities of Maha Sarakham could be communicated through Isan traditions and ancient buildings and objects as a native entity of the province. These identities were perfectly depicted in Hoop Tam mural painting at Wat Pha Re Rai, Ban Nong Pok, Dong Bang sub-district, Na Doon district in Maha Sarakham province that could be used to create several products as follows: 1) Decorative signs; 2) Direction signs; 3) Mapping signs; 4) Location signs; and 5) the city gate model. All of these products were all attractive, well-matched with the area, and simply understandable for the users.

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