Emotional response to interior color of sport apparel store

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Piranya Itthisuriya
Vorapat Inkarojrit


Clothing and sport equipment business is one of the business which its growth has been increased annually. Creating a lovely atmosphere for the store is one of the marketing strategies to attract customers to the store. The design, using color, is a factor of motivation form which stimulates and attracts the customers. The aim of this research is to study the influence of different color feature in environment of sport apparel store which affect the mood of consumers. The variables include 10 single-color formats with a different color group and saturation. There were 83 participants were tested by using the method of viewing models and answering questionnaires, analyzing data by comparing the t-test (p < 0.05). The result showed that the different color features affected on PAD emotion statistically significantly. Black (B) affected on the dimension of Pleasure and Dominance the most. Red (R-50) affect the dimension of Arousal the most. The colors in warm tone affected PAD emotion more than colors in cool tone. The saturation of color affected on different PAD emotion. The low saturation of color resulted more positively than high saturation of color in every dimensions of PAD emotion. This research concluded that color saturation is an important factor in the design. The use of color in sport apparel store environment which should consider the color saturation in the first order, coupling with the consideration of use of each color.

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