The Study Identity of OTOP Nuad Thai for Install Public Relation Exhibition

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Natcha Sirikhvunchai
Sueppong Tipsiri
Thanika Channgio
Aran Wanichakorn4


         The Study Identity of OTOP Nuad Thai for Install Public Relation Exhibition is creative research, aimed to 1) study identity, story, and context of Thai and Alternative Medicine 2) bring it to design identity for install exhibition in 16th Thailand National Herb Expo, starting with study the document, learn from expert, observation, and planning to design exhibition about Thai and Alternative Medicine, through enterprise policy makers, The Department of Thai and Alternative Medicine in Thailand. This research is divided to 2 parts; part 1 is study on knowledge and part 2 is the synthesis of artistic works to design exhibition by divided into 3 main progress; identity design, structural design, and graphic design.

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