The development of women’s clothing styles from linen dyed with marigold

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Irada Soodsung
Kanokwan Prukmanonukun
Panatda Sotsee


The objectives of the  Development of Women’s Clothing Styles from Marigold-dyed Linen were  1) to study about linen dying technique with marigold by using various kinds of mordant, 2) to design and develop women’s clothing from marigold-dyed linen, 3) to study the satisfaction of representative samples for the women’s clothing design from marigold-dyed linen. The sample used in this study were women working in Dusit district, Chitralada sub district and students of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, in total 100 participants.  Simple random sampling method was used to analyze the data with statistics, percentage, mean and deviation standard. The research instruments were questionnaire and 2 women’s clothing prototypes, one was dyed with natural mordant and the other dyed with chemical mordant..

               The results indicated that most of the samples aged from 25 and above, single, graduated with bachelor degree, working as general office workers and students and earned less than 15,000 baht. The result also revealed the satisfaction on women’s clothing design from marigold-dyed linen, a design which was dyed with both natural and chemical mordant. The participants were satisfied with the modern design suitable for working age and very useful, at a high level with means of 4.07 and 4.05, natural and chemical mordant respectively. Considering the overall result, the participant tended to be satisfied with natural mordant dyed dress more, with a mean of 4.07.

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