Logo and packaging design of banana stuffed rolls of processed organic and herbs products community enterprise group, Lalu, Sa Kaeo Province

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Wuttichai Withatanang


The objectives of this study were 1) to study the information of Processed Organic and Herbs Products Community Enterprise Group, Lalu, Sa Kaeo Province to use the information in the design,   2) to design the logo and packaging of banana stuffed rolls of Processed Organic and Herbs Products Community Enterprise Group, Lalu, Sa Kaeo Province, and  3) to study consumer satisfaction with the newly designed packaging model using an action research process with community participation. The sample group was manufacturers and experts in design and consumer satisfaction assessments. The research instruments were interview form, questionnaire, and conversation form to collect data. The research found that the newly logo design had appropriate color use, a unique identity, outstanding beauty, simplicity, productivity, functionality, and harmonious composition. The designs have been evaluated and considered by design experts who are suitable for use in a variety of applications, such as stickers, packaging, or various online and print media. The results of assessing consumer satisfaction with the newly designed packaging design showed that the packaging structure was the most satisfying, with an average of 4.62 (S.D.=.65). It consisted of ease of use, convenience, shape, size, efficiency, strength, quality, and safety. Graphics were satisfied at the highest level, with an average of 4.56 (S.D.=.67). It consisted of a complete information communication format, a well-designed color scheme, attractive packaging graphics, and a unique design. Marketing satisfaction was at a high level with an average of 3.67 (S.D.=.65). It consisted of a product prominently, impressively, easily recognizable, unique, distinctive, innovative, and contemporary. The overall satisfaction of the new packaging designs was at a high level with an average of 4.42 (S.D.=.65).

Keywords: Logo, Packaging, Banana stuffed rolls

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