Creative Etching Art concerning Human behavior

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Rangsiya Chairattanasuwan



        The purposes of this thesis were 1) to study and analyze the theories related to human behavior, 2) to create etching print art. 3) to assess the achievement of etching art concerning human behavior by the step-by-step process for collecting data for conducting research. So, researcher has researched collecting data from the documentary section to study the content of human behavior and psychoanalysis theory aligned with being influenced by foreign artists to be analyzed to create a symbol in the form of an animal mask. There were 15 pieces of etching print creations divided into 4 sets, not in conjunction with the results of art experiments. The total 4 sets were set 1 which was the party of mask for 2 pieces, set 2 which was a scapegoat for 3 pieces, set 3 which was confined thoughts for 3 pieces, and set 4 which was card of life for 4 pieces, respectively. Moreover, an achievement evaluation by a group of 7 experts with fine arts experience, which were selected based on a purposive sampling. The data were analyzed qualitatively to determine mean, percentage together with standard deviation (S.D.). The results could be concluded that the assessment of the expert's opinion with analysis resulted in the printing process technique that corresponds to the content through storytelling, it was found that the creation of human behavior etching print in society had a high overall average Statistically significant level (x ̅ = 3.49 and SD value. = 0.75)

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