Interior design hotel style for homosexuality.

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Korawan Phosri


The purposes of this research are 1) to study a lifestyle analysis the preferences of the  homosexuality  to design. 2) to study specific hotel type for homosexuality. 3) Use the conclusions from the study data  a guideline for design hotel for homosexuality. The sample groups are the academicians is homosexuality age 25-35 years old about amount of 30. The research tools are evaluation form. The research statistics are percentage.  

            The research results Interior design hotel style for homosexuality. The results to surveys and interviews the target stay at hotel 4 times a year about 57 percentage, the purpose for tourism about 80 percentage,  staying with friend about 53 percentage, cost per night around 2,001-3,000 bath about 43 percentage, the reason for stay at hotel is near tourist attractions about 40 percentage, the most is style with modern classic about 47 percentage,  the most is color with natural tone about 53 percentage.

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