The study of nora cultural identity to add value to creative handicrafts “buddhists Klong Dan community, Songkhla province

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Surapa Wongsuwan


This research 1] is to study the identity of Nora cultural art for developing the product values and promoting the products to international level and 2] to synthesize and develop the prototype pattern of the products by studying the material relationship between handicraft context and community and Nora cultural art. The research tools are questionnaire, observation, survey and focus group interview of total 150 people and conducting satisfaction surveys of 420 people such as people in Klong-Dan community, tourists, specialists, and designers before designing the draft pattern by 1] evaluating purchasing factors of souvenir from Klong-Dan community identity in Songkhla province and 2] satisfaction level of graphic pattern and summarize using percentage and standard deviation as follow;

The study has founded that 1] the most popular handicraft among tourists is the products from sedge (Krajood) weaving. The weaving processing principally concerns utility which can be made into cloths and costume products. The natural processing from sedge (Krajood) together with Nora cultural identity will made it well known among tourists in appearances, colorful dressing from other materials mixing design and 2] the character of the pattern on the products from the satisfaction survey shows that the design of the pattern Nora-6 has total average of 4.25, the detail of graphic design has total average of 4.33 (SD =0.77), the pantone using in the handicraft has total average of 4.25 (SD=0.77), the handicraft detail has total average of 4.27 (SD = 0.74), the relationship and the importance of mind has total average of 4.25 (SD = 0.71), the product having symbols indicating communication elements has total average of 4.21 (SD = 0.76), and the pattern suitability has total average of 4.18 (SD = 0.72). The result of the pattern development will be another identity storytelling and the social context in the present together with the development of the local product could continue to commercial world.


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Author Biography

Surapa Wongsuwan , คณะสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์และการออกแบบ มทร.พระนคร



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