The Development of Dry Forming Compressed Lotus Stalk for Craft Products. The Development of Dry Forming Compressed Lotus Stalk for Craft Products.

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Supa Chulacupt
Vijit Sonhom
Vinai Taravet
Sermsri Songnerm
Wannapa Arbsuwan


The objectives of this research were  1) to response to the royal initiative of the plant genetic conservation project under the Royal Initiative of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (RSPG) 2) the general information of Lotus Stalk 3) to test its physical properties of Lotus Stalk  4) to design and produce craft products from dry forming compressed lotus stalk, 5) and to survey the consumers’ satisfaction toward the craft products. The methodology included the following steps.first,study the general characteristics of lotus stalk.Development of lotus stalks by using the lotus stalk to soften them with glycerin at a ratio of 1:3 for 3days.crushed lotus stalk was mixed with glue and urea unformaldehyde glue as per the nine formulas that had been set. The mixture was then compressed in the compression molding machine at 100 degree  celsius for 2 minutes, and then cooled for 2 minutes. After that, the molded plates were removed from the machine and kept at room temperature for 7 days.  Next, the plates were cut into pieces for physical properties tests, including Modulus of Rupture (MOR), tensile strength, The best lotus stalk plates were then used for forming compressed craft  products. For the consumer satisfaction survey, a questionnaire was administered to 120 respondents in Bangkok  methopolitan Region.The results showed that The lotus stalk has an average size Diameter of the sectional width 1.33 cm. Length 90 cm. It was found that the mixing ratio of the ninth formula resulted in the following physical properties: Modulus of Rupture (MOR) = 7.29 MPa, tensile strength(dry) 337.63 newton,Elongation was 0.87. These were promising features for forming compressed lotus  products for making crafts. In regard to the consumers’ satisfaction, it was found the most consumers were highly satisfied with the products with an average mean score of 4.86.

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