Design of woven fabrics patterns based on local identity of Ban Long Mut, Lampli sub-district, Thepha district, Songkhla.

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Arena Esama
Paweekorn Suraban
Pornpen Prakobkit


         Woven fabric patterns were designed and based on the local identity of Ban Long Mut, Lampli Sub-district, Thepha District, Songkhla Province. It aimed to 1. find the identity of Ban Long Mut, Lampli Sub-district, Thepha District, Songkhla Province, and 2. design the patterns of woven fabrics from the local identity. The data was collected by interviewing Ban Long Mut woven fabric members, community experts, community representatives, community developers and community college representatives. The questionnaire was conducted with product buyers to find out their ideas about the local identity. The participatory research method was used by the participation between the design experts and the woven fabric group members in order to design the woven fabric patterns. The results found that two characteristics which indicated the local identity of Ban Long Mut and the efficiency in creating unique local fabric patterns, were Prig flower and Watercourse. The researchers took these characteristics as an inspiration for the design and development of woven fabric products and they came up with patterns which were Prig flower, Prig bouget, watercourse woven fabric, and convergence of watercourse.


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