The study of travel photography content from the relevance between travel motivations and tastes in travel photography

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Nattapon Nukulkam
Tatiya Theppituck


         This research article aims to present a study of the relevance between travel motivations and tastes in travel photography and suggest a category of tourism content from that relevance, which is a part of a research project entitled “The creation of photographic content for tourism Promotion: A case study of photographs on social network.” The study was conducted using qualitative analysis methods, beginning with researching documents and research related to the concepts and theories of travel motivation and taste in travel photography, then analyzing the corresponding data, and summarizing as the result of descriptive data analysis. The result of the study revealed that the concepts and theories of travel motivation and taste in travel photography are consistent in many aspects. Exhilaration and novelty are the essences of travel photography and the primary motivations that make people decide to travel, as well as the essential contents of travel photography such as representation of art and culture, landmarks, landscapes, and goods and services in tourism area - all of which are incentives that motivate tourists to travel to that location. Moreover, local stories, and locality are also motivators for those who travel to seek knowledge. Travel photos are miniature copies of the tourist’s experiences that can be held and distributed, which fulfill pride or success that is one of the motivations for travel. Therefore, travel photography both promotes and fulfills the incentives that motivate tourism. From the mentioned relevance, a list of travel photography content can be proposed and divided into topics which are escaping, seeking and exploration, intrapersonal, and interpersonal. Each topic is divided into sub-contents which will be used in to study the content of travel photos in the next phase of the main research project.

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