The production of printing ink from virgin coconut oil and natural color in printmaking art

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Thanormnaun Dechakaneewong


The Production of Printing Ink from Virgin Coconut Oil and Natural Color in Printmaking Art. The purposes of this research were to determine: (1) the appropriate conditions for virgin coconut oil and natural color extraction; (2) the study the properties of natural printmaking ink; 3) the minimize problems regarding chemical usage that may affect the users; and (4) the minimize environmental pollution generated from artwork.  The methodology of this research divided in 4 steps; (1) studying the production of printing ink from virgin coconut oil and natural color in printmaking; (2) developing the tools to analyze the printing ink produced from virgin coconut oil and natural color in printmaking art; (3) collecting data from 32 samples from universities and art laboratories; and (4) validating the use of printing ink produced from virgin coconut oil and natural color in printmaking using checklist.  Data analysis of this study comprised frequency, percentage, and content analysis of artwork.  The findings of this study revealed that: (1) virgin coconut oil and natural color are appropriate for extraction; (2) printing ink extracted from natural material can be used in printmaking; (3) naturally extracted printing ink can minimize chemical effects on product users; and (4) naturally extracted printing ink can minimize environmental pollution due to artwork creation.  Specialists and experts agreed that the printing ink produced from virgin coconut oil and natural color can be used in artwork creation in terms of correctness, appropriately, possibility, and utility.

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