Development of Muslim dolls from natural dyed fabric : case study of sewing community enterprise in Ban Bo Hin, Khaokhaw, La-ngu, Satun

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Sasithorn Wisapan



        For the objectives of the research: 1. To develop Muslim dolls from natural dyed fabric by using natural dye from natural materials in the community. 2. To pass on knowledge of natural dyed fabric to the Ban Bo Hin sewing community enterprise in Ban Bo Hin, Khaokhaw, La-ngu, Satun. 3. To study the satisfaction of Muslim dolls made of naturally dyed fabric.The research methods are: 1. The study of basic related information. 2.Data analysis use for design, identify and scope the product development of Muslim dolls as souvenir made from natural dyed fabric, the design of Muslim dolls is inspired by Muslim wedding dresses. 3. The design was drafted from a design concept 4. Pattern selection,that are appropriate and actually produce 5. Product prototype development, starting from natural dyed fabric development in the community and develop prototype products. Data analysis by average and standard deviation. The results found that 1.The natural materials in the community: All natural materials are distilled into different colors, She-Oak is brown, Artocarpus leaf is light brown and limestone soil is light coral. 2. The result of knowledge transfer found that sewing community enterprises in Ban Bo Hin have high knowledge and understanding of natural dye colors and the design of fabric pattern using fabric dye techniques. They are able to use this knowledge to develop new products for distribution. 3. The study result of Muslim dolls’ product satisfaction showed that the overall level of producer satisfaction at the highest level was for Muslim dolls made from Artocarpus leaves natural dyed fabric at an average of 4.85. The result of consumer showed that the overall product’s highest satisfaction is for Muslim dolls made from limestone soil natural dyed fabric at an average of 4.72. The product can be a souvenir of local culture, different colors with beautiful patterns and an interesting design to represent the local culture in Satun province. The product is also suitable for use. Furthermore, producers in the local community can develop this knowledge and ability to use it for commercial production.

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