Foresight of space design for forests temples: A case study of Tan Yai Forests Temple, Nakhon Phanom province

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Kotchaphorn Wongsanao
Watanapun Krutasaen


        The academic article foresight of space design for forests temples: a case study of Tan Yai forests temple, Nakhon Phanom province, this article is based on the awareness of the 20 years' national strategy that focuses on sustainable development. Pushing for a sustainable environment in all provinces of Thailand. This article aims to study the push for a sustainable environment by looking at the future of forest temple area design. By using a futuristic approach that starts with creating ideas and imagination to get a clear picture or concept of the future. When studying various data and using it to create and analyze the future perspective, a case study of Tan Yai forests temple with future history, 4 scenarios will be obtained, that is scenario 1, the role of the forest temple, and the assessment criteria for temple development standards. scenario 2, a change in roles and rules. scenario 3, The development remains as ever. And scenario 4, the constant role and the changing rules. These 4 scenarios will make the temple area design know the direction that should be taken, not just based on the beauty of the design only but will focus on possibilities, roles, design implications, rules, and other relevant elements. And in the future, design in various ways no matter what design May need to use futuristic science as a tool before design, which is important to result after the design is truly successful. In addition, forest temples that are interested in looking at the future of the forest temple area design may use this case study as an example in a pre-design study or improving the area within the temples.

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