Product development of sandstone casting planters from the natural surface in Ban Nong Sano, Chokchai district, Nakhon Ratchasima province.
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The researcher has set the ‘Product Development of Sandstone Casting Planters’ research objectives; to study the form of sandstone casting products, find a way to develop a planters design from natural surface with entrepreneurs, develop community potential based on local resources. There are 3 steps of research methodology: Step 1: Go on-site to study the context and organize a forum to find methods to develop sandstone planters’ product together; Step 2: Activity to design sandstone casting planters with community experts. Step 3: Prototyping workshops and molding production to work with entrepreneurs in the community. The results showed that 1. The entrepreneurs of Ban Nong Sano Community Enterprise Group were the original people in that community. Most of them are agricultural workers and factory workers, so their skills are limited in printing and casting sandstone, but cannot create models by themselves. Because the lack of skill in molding that must be learned and understood. Therefore, a potter had to be hired to make a prototype for them. Inability to design and build prototypes on their own. Therefore, an idea was born to create a prototype from natural surfaces by using printing skills that can already be done to develop a prototype product with community. 2. The development of the prototype product has a unique surface and deep grooves that can be molded into a clear pattern. There are pineapples, pumpkins, melons, jackfruit, custard, cauliflower and white lettuce to developed into a 3D model; 3. The workshop on sandstone planters prototype from natural surfaces and shapes was created together to produce a piece that could be sold and for developing professional skills. There are a total of 10 interested entrepreneurs to jointly produce 10 planters’ prototypes that will serve as a guideline for the development of design for entrepreneurs to create prototypes from natural textures and shapes by themselves to produce products for distribution to generate income for the community.
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