Reconstruction models in architecture of Wat Nong Prue, Sukhothai historical park

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Anuspong Kraikriengsri


Wat Nong Prue is important to the context of Sukhothai art. It is an ancient site located outside the city wall on the north side of Sukhothai. Close to the group of 3 kilns, located on the south side of Wat Phra Phai Luang.

        At present, Wat Nong Prue is left with only the crumbling remains of ancient monuments. It has been restored according to the conservation process.  by the Fine Arts Department in a manner that only maintains in which many important architectural elements were discovered. in the surrounding area

        This research is a study of geography, History, Conservation processes, plans, proportions, forms, shapes and architectural elements. To present the architectural presumption of Wat Nong Prue which shows the uniqueness and value in Sukhothai art and Architecture  

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