Design Guidelines for small prefabricated house in Thailand
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A small prefabricated house business in Thailand has been growing over the past 10 years. Since the customers tend to be interested and influenced by its cost and the simplified construction process, thus, the small prefabricated house’s construction process is populist and has been adapted to a permanent house, temporary house, resort, homestay, or café. This article aims to study factors and small residence demand in order to propose the design guideline for a small fabricated house in Thailand. The result of the study showed that the house’s cost, function, area size, architectural pattern, and materials were the factors that could be developed for the design’s options. The building owner would be able to choose the structure of their own such as the roof pattern, the roof’s materials, the house’s surface materials, the wall and the solid wall materials, and the extension of the home. The design guidelines could propose a variety of flexible options that can adapt to each specific area, and could be conformed to the customer’s demand based on different conditions.
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