Cartoon character design for the King Naresuan exhibition and convention center
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The purposes of this research were 1. to study and analyze the design of cartoon characters for the King Naresuan Exhibition and Convention Center and 2. to evaluate the opinions regarding the design of cartoon characters for the King Naresuan Exhibition and Convention Center. At first, the researchers collected preliminary data by means of studying basic information from documents and reviewing concepts, theories, and research related to cartoon character design for the King Naresuan Exhibition and Convention Center, both from documents that were records, textbooks, books, journals, and so on and inquiring about the personal information of the questioannaire respondents and information about the needs of cartoon character design for the King Naresuan Exhibition and Convention Center. The sample group were 100 personnel and students of Naresuan University. It was found that they were interested in cartoon character design for the King Naresuan Exhibition and Convention Center. In addition, they thought that it could really help publicize for Naresuan University and Phitsanulok Province. Also, stories of history, traditions, and local culture should be brought into the design, and they should be designed to look simple, unofficial, and international so that, in the future, it could be developed into souvenirs for the King Naresuan Exhibition and Convention Center. After that, the researchers designed different cartoon characters (a total of 40 patterns). These characters were then evaluated through the opinions on the design of cartoon characters for the King Naresuan Exhibition and Convention Center from the sample group who were three professionals in the areas of graphic design, cartoon character design, and symbolic cartoons. The results of the study and analysis of opinion evaluation showed that the cartoon character Plai Phukhaothong was in the first place.
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