ทางสายไหมใหม่ในอาเซียน : หนทางสู่ความร่วมมืออย่างยั่งยืน?

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ฐนยศ โล่ห์พัฒนานนท์


                   The progress of the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) project has started to deviate from the directions adopted in the agreement with ASEAN. The relation of the project with ASEAN has thus been filled with ambiguity, resulting in a doubt about whether the project remains a significant economic prospect for the community.
                   To clear this doubt, this article proposes to unveil the meaning of BRI from the ASEAN’s perspective. It provides an overview of the project, beginning with a discussion of the information and scholarly viewpoints on the project, and then linking an understanding of the problems to the answer to the issue of doubt about its implications for ASEAN. The problems relating to the BRI include the following: (1) the project is principally China’s initiative, which lacks adequate understanding of real needs in the local community; (2) it suffers from weaknesses resulting from a lack of popular support; (3) representing an international influence from outside ASEAN, it is seen as the most significant factor; and (4) it has an unclear image of sustainability. However, the project is still proceeding without a high level of resistance. The concept of BRI in the eyes of ASEAN is hence neither a must-grab opportunity nor a threat. It has become a temporary option awaiting change for the better.

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โล่ห์พัฒนานนท์ ฐ. (2019). ทางสายไหมใหม่ในอาเซียน : หนทางสู่ความร่วมมืออย่างยั่งยืน?. ASIA PARIDARSANA, 40(1), 1–36. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/asianreview/article/view/207156
บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)
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