The critical success factors from Phook-Rak dessert wisdom to connect relationships in Jebilang multicultural community, Satun province

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Supaphan Thangtrongpairoj
Akkharakit Sinthuwongsri


The purpose of this study is to analyze the critical success factors from the Phook-Rak wisdom perspective for the purpose of weaving relationship among multicultural communities in Satun Province. According to the local wisdom management concept, a positive economic impact can be expected from the application of local wisdom to the current situation. This research employs quantitative methods relying on a total sample of 390 people. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. It was found that the following five factors are relevant: (1) recognizing the historical value of local knowledge; (2) creating local knowledge for the development of the community; (3) promoting innovation through local wisdom in the economy; (4) gaining support from the relevant authorities; and (5) promoting and developing the Phook-Rak wisdom to the international level.

For the management and promotion of traditional knowledge to truly result in its conservation, inheritance, further development, and transformation into economic value, it is necessary to provide for participation by youth groups in the community, raise awareness and

cognizance of its value, make available necessary resources, promote creativity of the community, develop organizational knowledge and wisdom to generate a steady income from occupational activities, to create a good relationship among the people in the community, and to enhance love, harmony and cooperation, as well as confidence and trust amidst different races, religions, and cultures.

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How to Cite
Thangtrongpairoj, S., & Sinthuwongsri, A. (2020). The critical success factors from Phook-Rak dessert wisdom to connect relationships in Jebilang multicultural community, Satun province. ASIA PARIDARSANA, 41(1), 67–108. Retrieved from
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