Opinions and needs of people affected from a Covid-19 pandemic towards Nonthaburi Municipality's aid management

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Nujarin Punjuwong
Phiphat Thaiarry


 The needs of the people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and their opinion about the Nonthaburi Municipality’s aid management This quantitative research is aimed at (1) examining the relation between the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the people and their needs for aid, and (2) exploring the relation between the management of aid provided by the Nonthaburi Municipality and the opinions of the people who have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic as well as their need for aid. The representative sample consisted of 400 persons. The data were gathered through a questionnaire survey and analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pearson’s product moment correlation. The research result shows that the people have been most affectedin the following aspects: 1) economic conditions (i.e. a burden of expenses and living conditions); 2) social conditions (i.e. a desire for social distancing); and 3) health (i.e. mental health), and that they most need aid relating to the following matters: 1) economic conditions (i.e. a burden of expenses and living conditions); 2) social conditions (i.e. a desire for social distancing; and 3) health (i.e. illness and mental health). Regarding the 4 aspects of the management of aid provided by the Nonthaburi Municipality, the people’s opinions show that what is needed most from the Nonthaburi Municipality is its development and implementation of an aid management system for rehabilitation and remedies.

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How to Cite
Punjuwong, N., & Thaiarry, P. (2021). Opinions and needs of people affected from a Covid-19 pandemic towards Nonthaburi Municipality’s aid management. ASIA PARIDARSANA, 42(1), 101–134. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/asianreview/article/view/250569
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