Understanding Indian Negotiators from a Cultural Perspective

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Yaninee Petcharanan


Even though India is growing in businesses and the economy, there are a limited number of works concentrating on negotiation with Indians compared to other Asian countries such as China and Japan. This article aimed to provide an understanding of Indian negotiators on cultural aspects by reviewing scholarly works. Influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism, Indian negotiators are considered to be hierarchical-oriented, moderate-collectivist, modest, and patient. To be successful at the negotiation table with Indian negotiators, foreign counterparts should understand and respect Indian culture and act accordingly.

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How to Cite
Petcharanan, Y. (2023). Understanding Indian Negotiators from a Cultural Perspective. ASIA PARIDARSANA, 44(1), 35–57. https://doi.org/10.14456/ajar.2023.2
บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)
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