Alternative Medicine: Ayurvedic Medicine

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Sirisup sihawong


The present health problems were complicated due to social and environmental change; higher aging populations; and global problems with population diagnosed with non -communicable diseases (NCD) rising.

 Alternative medicine proposed other methods to improve people's health and it was well recognized globally. The objectives of this review article were to review the body of knowledge and research related to Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic medicine was an alternative treatment regulated by the standards practiced by the World Health Organization. The data were collected from both Thai and English books, textbooks, documents, and research related to alternative medicines and Ayurvedic medicine from Thai and international research databases and the systematic review process was employed to propose the application of Ayurveda in Thailand.

The results of the study found that Ayurvedic medicine was an alternative medicine based on the concept of health care by balancing the body, mind, and lifestyle and proper eating. Ayurveda in the dimensions of health promotion and disease prevention was potential and could be an alternative in promoting health, preventing disease, and promoting quality of life for people.  Guidelines for the application of Ayurveda in Thailand were based on scientific principles and medical safety i.e., oil massage and warm oil dripping promote health relieve stress, and soothe muscle aches and headaches. In addition, adjusting lifestyle and eating to be consistent with the seasons and daily lifestyle helped health promotion. However, caution must be exercised regarding toxic substances and mineral-derived medicinal preparations, and clinical research on the effects of Ayurvedic medicine is limited and insufficient.  

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How to Cite
sihawong, S. (2024). Alternative Medicine: Ayurvedic Medicine. ASIA PARIDARSANA, 44(2), 74–98.
บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)
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