The Hangzhou Asian Games: Soft Power, Sport Diplomacy, and International Communication

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Teerati Banterng


     The objective of this study is to investigate 1) China's use of soft power through the international Hangzhou Asian Games. 2) International sports diplomacy strategy used by China during the Hangzhou Asian Games. 3) Communication format and content in building the nation image and national branding of China's Hangzhou city at the international level. 4) Compare China's use of soft power, sports diplomacy, and international communication through Hangzhou Asian Games. The study used qualitative research methods by summarizing issues from research, academic articles and related documents in both Thai and English.
     The research found that 1) The People's Republic of China (PRC) uses soft power through sports development and organizing sports mega-events to build a new nation, communicate a national image of the country to the world, reflect the representation of the nation through athletes. PRC realizes that sports development will help create economic value and is a demonstration of political power and global stance. 2) PRC uses public diplomacy to increase its investment budget and aim to become the world's leading sports country by 2050. 3) PRC has also used international communication strategies through the organization of Chinese sports mega-events until the Hangzhou Asian Games. The Chinese government has used an integrated strategy to develop China's sports ecosystem in order to gain acceptance from Western countries on the world. 4) The Hangzhou Asian Games are organized under the concept of creating a digital and innovative city image for Hangzhou. However, After COVID-19 situation The Chinese government tends to be less interested in developing sports through organizing world-class sports mega-events.

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How to Cite
Banterng, T. (2024). The Hangzhou Asian Games: Soft Power, Sport Diplomacy, and International Communication. ASIA PARIDARSANA, 44(2), 39–73.
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