Work Efficiency of Apprentice Students in Cooperative Education, Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture, HCU


  • saiphon wunnasinthop คณะภาษาและวัฒธรรมจีนมหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียว


Internal Factors Affecting the Cooperative Education Performance, External Factors Affecting the Cooperative Education Performance, Cooperative Education


The qualitative study on the work efficiency of the apprentice Chinese students in the Cooperative Education, Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture  aimed to 1) study the efficacy of students in cooperative education performance 2) compare internal and external factors affecting the cooperative education performance of the students by interviewing both students and supervisors and 3) study the problems and suggestions on the cooperative education of major students. The target groups were 20 of 4th year Chinese students and 10 supervisors from each workplace. The instrument used in this study was in-depth structural interview which concluded 4 aspects: working competency, working environment, working efficiency, and cooperative education. The result showed that the internal and external factors affected the efficacy of students in cooperative education performance in 3 aspects: quantity, quality and productivity of work. The problems and obstacles were mainly about living far from the workplace, using technical terms in their work, and communicating in English. Recommendations for Chinese students were to sign MOU with the workplaces, provide workshops in English communication, and prepare students before going out for cooperative education. 


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How to Cite

wunnasinthop, saiphon. (2021). Work Efficiency of Apprentice Students in Cooperative Education, Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture, HCU. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 13(1), 150–168. Retrieved from



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