Factors affecting 2-10 spread of Thailand


  • Nonlaphun Maneechot Faculty of Economics, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Peera Tangtammaruk Faculty of Economics, Srinakharinwirot University


2-10 Spread, Government bond yield, Yield Curve, Multiple Regression, Ordinary Least Square


The objective of this research is to study factors affecting 2-10 spread of Thailand by using Linear Regression Models with Logarithmic Transformations together with an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation. The dependent variable is the difference between government bond yield of 10 years and 2 years, while the independent variables are the difference between policy rate of Thailand and US, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Thailand, Net Flow of Debt Securities, and 2-10 Spread of US.

          The study found that the difference between policy rate of Thailand and US, and 2-10 spread of US are 2 factors significantly affecting the 2-10 spread of Thailand with regression coefficients of -0.87 and 1.62 respectively. With hope that findings from this research will better our understanding about the 2-10 spread of Thailand. Although the 2-10 spread of Thailand does not have an invert yield curve as the United States, the Yield Curve of Thailand has changed to Flatted with a short run Inverted Yield Curve. This could also be seen as a signal that investors are beginning to have a negative view on the economy. In conclusion, for the case of Thailand, even though 2-10 spread may not be fully used as an economic leading indicator, it can also be used for an analyzing of the economic situation especially regarding the policy interest rate, and the effect of global financial fluctuations on the Thai economy.



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How to Cite

Maneechot, N., & Tangtammaruk, P. . (2023). Factors affecting 2-10 spread of Thailand . Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 15(1), 127–145. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/241851



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