The Analysis of MICE Components, Marketing Mix, and Measure the Success of Thai MICE Industry


  • Suratsa Thongmee
  • Kaedsiri Jaroenwisan


MICE Marketing, MICE Elements, MICE Marketing Mix, Measurement of success for the MICE Industry


The research objectives are to (1) study the meaning of MICE marketing, the MICE marketing components (2) define the MICE marketing mix, and measure the success of the Thai MICE industry. This research is a qualitative research which involved 21 MICE stakeholders include the government, private sector, and education sectors, comprising 11 in-depth interviews and 10 focused groups. Analysis of the data using information obtained from in-depth interviews and focused group discussions. To prepare and analyze the information through content analysis. The research results were found that the meaning of MICE marketing is an activity that creates trading, business expansion by using the MICE industry as a marketing platform. Generate revenue and income for the MICE organizer as well as the profit for the area of organizing MICE activities. The components of the MICE market are 6 components. The MICE marketing mix can be defined in 13 topics and the success measurement for Thai MICE industry also defines to 6 topics which are Infrastructure & Accessibility, MICE Management Standard, Country Ranking, Number of MICE Activities, Economic Impact, and Customer Perceived Value.


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How to Cite

Thongmee, S., & Jaroenwisan, K. (2022). The Analysis of MICE Components, Marketing Mix, and Measure the Success of Thai MICE Industry. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 145–161. retrieved from



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