The Moderating Effect of Job Satisfaction on the Relationship between Innovative Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support, and Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior


  • Onnalin Liwrungroj School of Human Resource Development, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Wichai Utsahajit School of Human Resource Development, National Institute of Development Administration


Innovative Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support, Innovative Work Behavior, Job Satisfaction


This research aims to 1) study the effect of innovative leadership, perceived organizational support, and job satisfaction on employees’ innovative work behavior and 2) study the role of job satisfaction as the moderator on the relationship between innovative leadership, perceived organizational support, and employees’ innovative work behavior. In this study, hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to test the research hypotheses in quantitative research. The data were collected using a questionnaire from 358 employees of a private organization in the cement-building materials business in Thailand by using simple randomization method.
The results of this study show that 1) innovative leadership, perceived organizational support, and job satisfaction positively influences on employees’ innovative work behavior and 2) job satisfaction moderates the relationship between innovative leadership, perceived organizational support and employees’ innovative work behavior


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How to Cite

Liwrungroj, O., & Utsahajit, W. . (2024). The Moderating Effect of Job Satisfaction on the Relationship between Innovative Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support, and Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(2), 45–64. Retrieved from



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