The Relationship and Explained Variation of Digital transformation toward the Efficiency of Organization in Chiang Rai Province


  • Kasidit Chaiphawang Chaing Rai Rajabhat UniversityThe Faculty of Management Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Digital Transformation, Efficiency, Balanced Scorecard, Performance


This article aimed to study the implementation of digital transformation, the operational efficiency arising from it and find the relationship and explained variation of them. The population was personnel working in both public and private organizations in Chiang Rai Province. A total of 533 samples were collected by using an online questionnaire. It found that:

          Organizations in Chiang Rai Province as a whole were undergoing digital transformation at a moderate level, the highest track is the content track followed by the technology track and the least was the process track

         The operational efficiency arising from the digital transformation was at a high level. The performance terms of learning and growth was the highest average followed by a customer perspective and the least are a financial perspective, respectively.

          Digital transformation was statistically correlated at the 0.01 level with organization performance and could forecast the operation efficiency by 62.70% with a standard error of forecasting of 0.026


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How to Cite

Chaiphawang, K. (2024). The Relationship and Explained Variation of Digital transformation toward the Efficiency of Organization in Chiang Rai Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(2), 204–233. Retrieved from



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