Factors Relating to Decision Making on Using Early Childhood Development Program

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Sukanya Kakaew
Bhuminan Piyathasanan


Nowadays, to fulfill skills and knowledge for their kids, parents have been increasingly interested in using the early childhood development program. Consequently, the growth rate of the services is increasing continuously, due to high demand, a variety of programs, and high competitiveness. Hence, the early childhood development program entrepreneurs and marketers have to know deeply their consumer insights. This qualitative research aims to present the decision making on using early childhood development program by employing in-depth Interview method with several key informants, including 25 parents who has 0-6 years old kids, 5 entrepreneurs of early childhood development programs, and 5 early childhood experts. Analytic inductive was employed during qualitative data analysis. The research result showed that there are 5 factors relating to decision making on using early childhood: parent’s attitudes, characteristics of parents, characteristics of child, social norm, and perceived quality of 7Ps. Research findings of this study will advantage entrepreneurs and marketers of early childhood development programs to improve their business strategies, marketing activities, as well as service quality to meet consumers’ decision making and expectations.

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