Effect of Trust and Perceived Value on Purchase Intention of Facebook Users in Bangkok

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Benya Whangmahaporn
Tipparat Laohavichien


This research investigated the effect of trust and perceived value on purchase intention of Facebook users in Bangkok by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The sample was chosen using a snowball sampling method from 140 Facebook users who were over 18 years old and live in Bangkok. The instrument of research data collection was an online questionnaire. Descriptive statistical techniques used are as follows: mean, percentage and standard deviation. The result shows that the model is fitted with the empirical data. The value of the structural model fit indices showed that CMIN/df =1.95, GFI =0.93, NFI =0.94, RFI =0.91, IFI =0.97, TLI =0.95, CFI =0.97 and RMSEA =0.08. The findings of hypothesis testing revealed that trust have both direct and indirect effects on purchase intention at statistically significance level of 0.01. Trust also has a direct effect on perceived value at statistically significance level of 0.01. Furthermore, perceived value has a direct effect on purchase intention at significance level of 0.05.

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