The Relationship between Job Embeddedness and Career Success: A Case Study of the Gen-Y Teachers in Thailand

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Chatchai Suwannarat
Siriwut Buranapin
Orapin Santidhirakul
Saranya Kantabutra


This research aims to examine the relationship between organizational and community embeddedness and career success. The study uses the theory of Conservation of Resource to describe the aforementioned relationships. The questionnaire method is employed to collected data from a sample of 323 Generation Y teachers in public and private schools across Thailand. The results indicate a statistically significant positive impact of organizational embeddedness on subjective career (0.674, p < 0.001). The findings also reveal that job embeddedness as a resource can help employees achieve subjective success in their careers. The structure model fit with the data, with χ2 = 717.201, df = 417, cmin/df = 1.720, p < .001, CFI = .940, RMSEA = .047, SRMR = .0649, and PNFI = .731. The implications of the findings in understanding the relationship between job embeddedness and subjective career success are also discussed.

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