Film Tourism: Causal Factors of Place Attachment

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Walaiporn Rewtrakunphaiboon


Popularity of TV drama is regarded as a predictor of film tourism, a contemporary phenomenon, constantly attracting tourists to visit film locations.  A recent film tourism in Thailand and a research gap found in film tourism literature called for studies to investigate how a popular Buppesannivas (Love Destiny) TV drama created emotional attachment with a screened location.  This study aims to examine causal factors of place attachment.  The sample includes 415 Thai tourists who viewed Buppesannivas drama series and visited the main screened location in Ayutthaya. The results indicate that drama likeability, attitudes towards a screened location and tourism motivation positively affect place attachment.  Tourism motivation mediates the relationship between drama likeability and place attachment as well as the relationship between attitude and place attachment.  The study provides both theoretical contributions and practical implications for film tourism.

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