Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Electronic Word of Mouth of Local Coffee Shops
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The purpose of this quantitative research is to analyze factors of word of mouth of local coffee shops. A structural questionnaire was applied to collect data from 250 samples by convenience sampling. Statistics used to analyze data included percentage, frequency, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The findings show that electronic word of mouth of local coffee shops was composed of 6 components, including the involvement component, the source credibility component, the quality component, the sender’s expertise component, the recommendation rating component and the quantity component. The model had goodness-of-fit with the empirical data which the value of χ2 = 2.882, df =7, P-value =.896, χ2/df =.412, GFI =.996, AGFI =.989, CFI =1.000, RMSEA =.000 and RMR =.005
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