The Analysis of Zoo Brands Content on Chinese Social Media Which Affects Brand Preference of Customers in China

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Yaxin Guo
Patama Satawedin


This paper aims to examine and identify the types of content of zoo brands that influence customer brand preference in China. Through a mixed methods of research between quantitative research (content analysis) and experimental-based research (design types of content and conduct A/B test via online questionnaire survey) approach, the study analyzed 18 representative contents that were posted on Mandai Wildlife Reserve, shortly MWR, enterprise in Singapore) official accounts between 1 May to 31 July, 2022 via coding sheet and types of content designed by researchers, and online questionnaire survey was conducted. Findings were presented on the impact of different types of developed content on the brand preference of customers in China.

            The research findings indicate that there were 9 types of content being launched currently by MWR on WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin. Among all types of content, activity and informational content, informational and compensation content, and entertainment content and promotional content are the most weighted types of content for WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin, respectively and these contents might affect brand preference of customers in China. Based on online questionnaire survey, most of the respondents were found to have positive attitude towards activity content for WeChat, compensation content for Weibo, and promotional content for Douyin, and these types of content might build brand preference; While most of the respondents have negative attitude towards informational content for both WeChat and Weibo and entertainment content for Douyin, these types of content might not build brand preference. These findings have important implications for marketers, zoo brands, and scholars in follow-up research on content marketing in China, and suggest that the types of content that a zoo brand should launch on Chinese social media platforms.

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