The Comparison of Learning Achievement, Retention, and Attitude towards Mathematics of Mathayomsuksa 2 Students on the Topic of “Geometric Transformation” between the Learning Management by Using GSP and Conventional Method

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ปรานอม ทศรฐ
นพพร ธนะชัยขันธ์
สุดาพร ปัญญาพฤกษ์


The objectives of this research were to compare the learning achievement, retention, and attitude towards mathematics of Mathayomsuksa 2 students between learning
management by using GSP and conventional method. The population of this study was
Mathayomsuksa 2 students in 14 classrooms of Phayao Phitthayakhom School under the
Secondary Educational Service Area 36 in the frst semester of the academic year 2016.
The sample of this study was 45 students in class 6 as the experimental group and 44
students in class 7 as the control group. The research instruments drawn for this study
were a learning plan in mathematics on the topic of “Geometric Transformation” by using
GSP, and a learning plan in mathematics on the topic of “Geometric Transformation” by
using conventional method, a learning achievement test, and an attitude test towards
mathematics. The data was analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The results of the study were found that students who learnt by using GSP had
the higher score in learning achievement and retention than students who learnt by
conventional method at the statistically signifcant level of .01. Students who learnt by
using GSP and those who learnt by conventional method had different attitude at the
statistically signifcant level of .01.

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