The Importance of Marketing Mix on Decision Making for Purchasing Sunscreen Face Products of Women’s Office Consumer Behavior in Area of Muang District, Songkhla Province


  • นวรัตน์ ช่วยบุญชู สำนักงานอัยการจังหวัดสงขลา
  • พิมพ์ใจ ลิ่มวัฒนา บริษัท ดิ เอราวัณกรุ๊ป จำกัด (มหาชน)
  • ปิติพันธ์ แจ่มน่าน บริษัท เชฟรอนประเทศไทยสำรวจและผลิต จำกัด
  • ณิชากร ชัยศิริ มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ
  • มูฮำหมัดกิสตีย์ กีโต๊ะ สหกรณ์อิสลามปัตตานี จำกัด


marketing mix factors, sunscreen, decision-making behavior of purchasing, office women


                The research on the importance of marketing mix factors for decision-making behavior of purchasing sunscreen for facial skin the office women in area of Muang district, Songkhla province. Objective for compare the importance of marketing mix factors for decision-making behavior of purchasing sunscreen for facial skin the office women by personal factors and decision-making behavior of purchasing. Then study the relationship between personal factors and decision-making behavior of purchasing sunscreen for facial skin the office women. The sample of 400 people are the office women who working in private companies or government offices in Muang District, Songkhla Province. The instrument used questionnaire that used the statistics for data analyzation that were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and test the hypothesis by used the F-test and chi-square test. The result of study indicated the marketing mix found at high level in overview has mean 4.17 and standard deviation 0.33

                Comparisons of marketing mix factors to be significant for decision-making behavior of purchasing sunscreen the office women with personal factors found office women which different personal factors that the importance of marketing mix of product factors were different base on statistical significance was at 0.05 And comparisons of decision-making behavior found the office women which different decision-making behavior of purchasing that the importance of marketing mix of product factors were different base on statistical significance was at 0.05 and the office women of personal factors has relationships with decision-making behavior of purchasing sunscreen by average payment per time and method of payment extremely base on relationships  significance was at 0.05.


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How to Cite

ช่วยบุญชู น., ลิ่มวัฒนา พ., แจ่มน่าน ป., ชัยศิริ ณ., & กีโต๊ะ ม. (2018). The Importance of Marketing Mix on Decision Making for Purchasing Sunscreen Face Products of Women’s Office Consumer Behavior in Area of Muang District, Songkhla Province. Economics and Business Administration Journal Thaksin University, 10(1), 65–87. Retrieved from



Research Article