The Influence of Tourist Attraction’s Image on Tourist’s Satisfaction and Loyalty in Songkhla Old Town


  • Thatsaphon Nobsuwan Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Thaksin University
  • Wilawan Jansri Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Thaksin University


Tourist Attraction’s Image, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Tourists


The research aimed to investigate the effect of tourism image namely travel environment, accessibility, price and value, infrastructure and heritage attractions on satisfaction, and study tourist satisfaction influence to tourist loyalty. The sample included 300 tourist’s visitors to the old town of Songkhla province, using the purposive sampling method. The questionnaire was utilized as well as data analysis comprising 1) basic statistics using SPSS program, and 2) the relationship between variables using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The results showed that travel environment, accessibility, infrastructure, and heritage attractions affect tourist satisfaction and tourist satisfaction has a positive effect on tourist loyalty toward continuing tourist’s visitors to the old town of Songkhla province. However, this study found that price and value factors did not influence the satisfaction of tourist visitors to the old town of Songkhla province.


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How to Cite

Nobsuwan, T., & Jansri, W. (2021). The Influence of Tourist Attraction’s Image on Tourist’s Satisfaction and Loyalty in Songkhla Old Town. Economics and Business Administration Journal Thaksin University, 13(2), 145–162. retrieved from



Research Article