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วาริชา สิรปุญญานนท์


As technology steadily influences human lives, Airbnb, Inc has attracted attention as an online platform advertizing short-term property rentals, including hotels, hostels, condominiums, apartments, and homestays accessed at or by mobile application. Airbnb is developed by the consumer to consumer (C2C) sharing economy. This business model facilitates e-commerce between business entities and perspective tourists in an online environment for booking services and assisting in problem-solving during stays at properties.

Airbnb induces change in consumer behavior from traditional hotel industry focus solely on hotels on online platforms. Consequently, the Airbnb platform is a disruptive innovation causing several legal issues. An international comparative legal study was made of relevant Thai regulations, compared to municipal laws in New York and San Francisco, the United States of America (USA).

Results were that the USA has enacted regulations to cope with Airbnb. New York conservatively launched a strict crackdown on Airbnb. By contrast, San Francisco independently legalized short-term rental businesses to protect its hotel business and neighborhoods. Nevertheless, many problems remain with Airbnb-related legal issues, for which Thai law currently offers
no government-approved solution.

These findings suggest that legislation be introduced for short-term rental businesses to facilitate the Airbnb-related laws of San Francisco, taking into account different societal, economic, and cultural contexts. A regulatory sandbox experiment, in which innovators conduct live experiments in a controlled environment under a regulator's supervision, might be considered to create a model for analyzing legal aspects of Airbnb in terms of existing rules to cope with the many problems caused by this business model and enact suitable legislation for Thailand.

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