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ฐานิต สี่ทิศประเสริฐ


Directors of limited companies play an important role in managing the affairs of the company on behalf of the shareholders. Directors therefore have a position of being trusted by shareholders. In the meantime Directors are able to know information that is a business opportunity of the company, so there is a risk that directors may use such company information to trade compete with a limited company, which can damage the company. So directors are obliged to have fiduciary duties. The directors must be loyal and honest to the limited company. Even though Thailand has a law that defines such duties of the directors. In which the directors are prohibited from trading competing with a limited company which is stipulated in the Civil and Commercial Code, Chapter 3 Specific Contract, Title 22 Partner and Company, Category 4 Limited Company, Part 3 How to Manage the Company, but the study found some flaws in the law on prohibiting directors to trade with a limited company. There are some provisions that are unclear in the duties of certain directors. Which can cause interpretation problems. And there are some facts that the law does not cover, which can create a legal gap. In addition, the law in regards to the sanction when there is a case where the director's violation of that duty is not effective enough to suppress the wrongdoing of a director (inadequate deterrence). There are 5 legal issues as follows:

  1. Problems of directors becoming directors of other companies operating businesses with the same nature And is in competition with the business of a limited company

  2. Problems that directors operate for the benefit of limited companies but the operation of the business is the kind specified by the law as a trading competing with limited companies.

  3. Problems that the court has no power to grant an injunction against the director’s trading competing with limited companies.

  4. Problems that limited companies do not have the right to claim all the profits that the directors earn from trading competing with limited companies.

  5. Problems that there is no law prohibiting former directors from using information that is a business opportunity that the former director knew while holding a director position to traded compete with a limited company.

The legal problems should be guidelines for interpretation or settlement, amendments to the provisions on prohibiting directors from trading competing with limited companies. By considering applying the principles of national law, which is a model of the Civil and Commercial Code, to be appropriate and fair to the Company's business operations in the context of Thai law.

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Author Biography

ฐานิต สี่ทิศประเสริฐ, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University

Graduate Student of Master of Laws Program in Business Law,

Faculty of Law, Thammasat University


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