Emotional Intelligence, Interaction Involvement, and Job Performance of Call Center Representatives in the Philippines

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Jenette Villegas Puyod
Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol


The objective of this research was to examine the benefits of emotional intelligence (EQ) to call center representatives in the Philippines. Data collection was conducted with a sample of call center representatives from seven contact centers in the Philippines (N = 425). Online questionnaire survey was used for data collection. The survey data were analyzed by using partial least squares regression. The results supported that call center representatives with high EQ tended to demonstrate a high quality of interaction involvement and tended to show a higher level of job performance. Moreover, interaction involvement was found as a mediator that explained the positive linkage between EQ and job performance of call center representatives. The overall results suggested that EQ training should be considered to help call center representatives enhance their ability to communicate effectively with foreign customers and to perform better in their jobs.

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