Information For Authors

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page to familiarize yourself with the journal's objectives, positioning, and topic areas that are potentially suitable for publication.

Please note the Author Guidelines below in regard to article structure and format.  

Authors need to register on the ThaiJo platform with the journal prior to submitting a manuscript or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step submission process. Submission Preparation Checklist.


Peer Review and Editorial Processes

Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been previously published elsewhere and should not be under review for publication in other journals. They will be checked for originality and prescreened by the editorial staff to see if their structure, content, and formatting comply with journal standards. If they pass prescreening, manuscripts then undergo double-blind review process conducted by at least 2 qualified independent peer reviewers who are external to an author’s institution, and knowledgeable in a relevant academic field. Acceptable manuscripts are those that have been accepted by both reviewers, or in cases where 3 peer reviewers are appointed, by 2 out of the 3 reviewers. This process may take up to 6 weeks (or occasionally longer), depending on peer reviewer response time.

After the manuscript has been revised per peer reviewer recommendations, it will be re-examined by an editor to determine if it is ready for publication, or requires further revision. One or two rounds of copy editing work will be done and page breaks checked before the paper is published.   

Responsibility for opinions expressed and the accuracy of facts published in articles published in HBDS rests solely with the individual authors. Views and opinions expressed in these articles are the sole responsibility of authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the journal’s editorial staff, or of Asia-Pacific International University.


Human Behavior, Development and Society (HBDS) Author Guidelines

Here are some general guidelines for preparing and submitting articles to HBDS.

1. Manuscripts for Submissions

1.1. Manuscripts should be no less than 8 and no more than 12 pages in length.

1.2. Manuscripts should be written in correct and standard academic English.

1.3. Manuscripts should be single-spaced.

1.4. Manuscripts should use Calibri font size 11.

1.5. Manuscripts should contain minimal formatting (bold and italics commands are acceptable).

1.6. Manuscripts should not contain editorial controls of any kind.

1.7. Manuscripts should also contain a 150-200 word abstract of the article. Provide at least three keywords, but do not exceed seven.

2. Suggested Referencing Format

2.1. In order to maintain a consistent look for Human Behavior, Development and Society, American Psychological Association (APA) publication guidelines have been slightly modified and adapted to provide a harmonious format and style for the journal. 

2.2. HBDS follows APA 7th edition guidelines for in-text citations, references, and endnotes.

2.3. Referencing Samples: Please refer to for questions about references.

2.4 In-Text Citations and Reference Guidelines Based on APA 7th Edition (Examples

3. Submissions Procedure

3.1. Manuscripts submitted to HBDS must not have been previously published elsewhere nor be under review for publication in other journals.

3.2. Manuscripts must adhere to the journal’s Publishing Guidelines; failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the rejection of a submission.

3.3. Manuscripts must be submitted through the Thai Journal (ThaiJo) online journal submission system at; look for the HBDS web page.

3.4. Manuscripts should be submitted by no later than December 31 for the April issue, April 30 for the August issue, and August 31 for the December issue. Nonetheless, even if a submission is received before the stated dates and is accepted, the journal’s Administrative Board reserves the right to decide on the publication date.

3.5 An article may be withdrawn prior to the double-blind review process. In such an instance, the author(s) should inform the editors and clearly state the reasons for withdrawal. Withdrawing a submission during the review process or during production is considered unprofessional and unethical, and should be avoided. HBDS does not accept future submissions from authors who have previously withdrawn a paper in this manner. Once an article has been published, it may no longer be withdrawn by an author.

4. Review Process

4.1. Manuscripts will be checked for originality and prescreened by the editorial staff to see if their structure, content, and formatting complies with journal standards.

4.2. Manuscripts will undergo a double-blind review process conducted by at least 2 qualified independent peer reviewers who are external to authors’ institutions, and knowledgeable in a relevant academic field. This process takes from 4–6 weeks, depending on peer reviewer response times.

4.3. Authors will be informed of reviewers’ comments as soon as they are available.

4.4. Authors will be given about 1 month to revise their papers (should that be necessary) and should return the revised version by the 1st of March/July/November (or earlier).

5. Numbers in APA Style

5.1 In general round decimals to two places with the exception of p-values (three decimal places is the limit—p < .01 or .001). Percentages are expressed as whole numbers or to one decimal place.

5.2 Rounding rules: If the final number is 5 or more, add one to the last decimal place to be kept (1.565 becomes 1.57). If the number is less than 5, write the number with the required decimal places (2.344 becomes 2.34).

5.3 When a statistical expression cannot exceed the value of 1, then the number reported is NOT preceded by a zero (e.g., with p-values—p < .01, also applies to correlations, and Cronbach’s alpha).

5.4 Large numbers—use commas between groups of three digits in most figures of 1,000 or more.

5.5 Further information can be gained by consulting. James Cook University, Singapore. (n.d.). Numbers in APA. Retrieved from; Guadagno, R. (2010). Writing up your results – Guidelines based on APA style. Retrieved from

6. Recommended Verb Tenses in APA Style Papers

Paper Section

Recommended Tense


Literature Review (or whenever discussing other researchers’ work)


Quinn (2020) presented

Present perfect

Since then, many investigators have used


Description of Procedure


Participants completed a survey

Present perfect

Others have used similar methods

Reporting of Results


Results were nonsignificant

Scores increased

Hypotheses were supported

Discuss Implications of Results


The results indicate

Presentation of Conclusions, Limitations, Future Directions, etc.


We conclude

Limitations of the study are


Original Research Article Structure

Article Structure


Name of Author(s)


  • Briefly state, in about 150-200 words, the purpose of the research, methodology, principal results, and major conclusions
  • Avoid including references or nonstandard/uncommon abbreviations


  • Provide up to seven relevant keywords

 Introduction & Literature Review

  • State the purpose of study
  • Analyze and synthesize current and relevant literature


  • Provide sufficient information to allow clear understanding and/or reproduction of the work
  • Describe clearly research instruments used, strategies for data collection, context and participant(s)


  • Present findings/results in a clear, concise, and understandable manner


  • Explore the significance of the results of the study (do not repeat the results)
  • Synthesize the discussion of the findings /results with the literature review

 Limitations and Implications

  • Explore ways in which this study could be improved in the future
  • Elaborate how the findings/results of this study contribute to current knowledge


  • Restate the purpose of the study in light of the literature review
  • Highlight major findings/results and discussion


  • Format references according to APA (7th Edition)
  • Ensure all in-text citations are present in the reference list



  • Include an appendix when necessary. If more than one, label them accordingly (Appendix A, B, etc.)


  • List individuals or agencies who provided help during the research, if applicable.

Funding Sources

  • If a study receives financial support or sponsorship, details about funding sources should be provided.

Conflicts of Interest

  • Authors must declare if articles have any potential or existing conflicts of interest; if there are none, please state that “there are no potential conflicts of interest to declare.”


Professional Article Structure

Article Structure


Name of Author(s)


  • Briefly state, in about 150-200 words, the purpose of the research, principal results, and major conclusions
  • Avoid including references or nonstandard/uncommon abbreviations


  • Provide up to seven relevant keywords

 Introduction & Literature Review

  • State the purpose of study
  • Analyze and synthesize current and relevant literature


  • Present findings/results in a clear, concise, and understandable manner


  • Explore the significance of the results of the study (do not repeat the results)
  • Synthesize the discussion of the findings /results with the literature review


  • Restate the purpose of the study in light of the literature review
  • Highlight how the findings/results may direct future research
  • Highlight major findings/results and discussion

 *For other parts such as references, acknowledgements, etc., please refer to the Original Research Article structure