Selected Factors Influencing Nursing Students’ Self-Perception of English Communication Skills, Asia-Pacific International University, Thailand
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While English communication is important for Thai students, it remains a national problem. Self-perception is a variable which may affect a student’s development of communication skills. To better support this development, this study aimed to identify factors influencing self-perception of English communication skills among nursing students. A random sampling technique was used to recruit 70 junior nursing students. A research instrument was developed that was composed of demographic data, along with learners (13 items), learning and teaching (8 items), social factors (5 items), and self-perception of English communication skills. The instrument was tested for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results revealed the most significant predictor was self-perception of English communication skills, with others accounting for 39.9% of variance. A predictive equation was developed composed of learner (2 items), learning and teaching (3 items), and social (2 items) factors. It accounted for 71.4% of the overall variance. These findings suggested that instructors and administrators might develop strategies to promote students’ confidence in expressing English with teachers and others, supply adequate materials, develop interesting teaching and learning methods, and provide an international environment for practicing English both inside and outside classroom.
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