Impact of Corporate Image, Service Quality, Trust, and Perceived Value on Chinese Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Medical Services in Thailand
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Thailand is committed to becoming the Center of Excellent Health of Asia. About two million foreign patients come to Thailand for medical services each year. With the explosive growth of Chinese tourists including Chinese patients, this study aimed to explore the factors that influence the satisfaction and loyalty of Chinese-speaking patients in the medical service industry. The study extended previous work by investigating Chinese-speaking patients served by a medical institution in Thailand. Specifically, the influence of five dimensions of Service Quality were examined, namely, corporate image, perceived value, and trust on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Structural equation model analysis was used to investigate the responses from 406 Chinese-speaking patients using Thai medical services. The finding revealed that medical institution image had a significant positive effect on five dimensions of Service Quality. Some dimensions of Service Quality also had positive effects on perceived value, trust, and customer satisfaction. Trust and perceived value had significant positive effects on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction had a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. The results give insights into how improvements might be made to corporate image, personnel training on service quality, and service customization.
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