The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Trustworthiness, Perceived Brand Quality, Brand Attitude and Purchase Intentions: The Case of a Leading Vietnamese Sausage Manufacturer

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Khoa Ngo Hong Dang Tran
Phanasan Kohsuwan


The influence of corporate social responsibility practices on customer perception of brand quality, trustworthiness, attitude and purchase intentions were examined among Vietnamese consumers of processed meat (sausages). Responses (N = 595) were collected in Ho Chi Minh City through a convenience sampling technique. Structural equation modeling was used for hypotheses testing. The findings revealed that intention to purchase sausages was influenced by corporate practices across the domains of environment, community, and food safety. However, social practices did not influence brand trustworthiness, and environmental and social practices did not affect perceived brand quality. The management of food manufacturing companies should pay more attention to corporate practices related to food safety and environmental concerns in order to build up positive brand trustworthiness and brand attitude, which could help improve company sales. Corporate social responsibility marketers may monitor return-on-marketing investment by measuring customers’ brand perceptions in order to launch cost-effective programs.

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