John’s Theocentric Christology

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Wann Fanwar


This article is a brief survey of the dominant conceptualisation in the Gospel of John. Most readers of the New Testament recognise that the Gospel of John varies considerably from the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). There are many ways of explaining these differences. This study offers a theological paradigm, John’s theocentric Christology. To John, Jesus was God and every statement and story carries this theological imprint.

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Academic Articles


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Johnston, Philip, ed. 2006 IVP Introduction to the Bible: Story, Themes and Interpretation. Nottingham: Inter-Varsity.

Milne, Bruce 1993 The Message of John. Leicester: Inter-Varsity.

Thielman, Frank 2005 Theology of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.