Experiences in Adventist Colleges/Universities: An International Alumni Perspective

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Jimmy Kijai
Vinita Sauder
Robert Weaver


This study examines the college experiences of a sample of graduates of Adventist colleges and universities outside North America. Data were collected using an online questionnaire using Survey Monkey. Responses from 171 alumni suggested that they attended Adventist higher learning institutions for their Adventist values and the opportunity to grow spiritually. About 77% rated their college experience to be good to excellent. They rated their college experience as quite effective in career/life preparation skills and development of community and social values. They were often involved in activities related to religiosity and friends/ relationships. Professor/classroom experience was the best predictor of overall college ratings. Current involvement in religious/community services and life satisfaction are associated with involvement in religious/ spiritual activities, extra-curricular activities and enhanced social/community values while in college.

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