Scale Development for Measuring Entrepreneurial Leadership Competencies
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The main objective of this study was to develop and validate the four dimensions of entrepreneurial leadership among the leaders of automotive parts manufacturing businesses in Thailand. The study objectives chosen were designed to answer questions posed in many studies seeking antecedents to entrepreneurial leadership and investigating concepts including personal, managerial, proactive, and technological competencies as indicators of entrepreneurial leadership. Data were gathered from 235 leaders from automotive parts manufacturing businesses in Thailand by using questionnaires. Data analysis used reliability and validity testing with exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to measure each entrepreneurial leadership dimension. This resulted in the initial forty-two items being reduced to twenty-eight items assessing personal competency (four items), managerial competency (twelve items), proactive competency (five items), and technological competency (seven items). The results indicated that all four dimensions had high validity and reliability to measure the entrepreneurial leadership factors. The implications in the development of these factors and future research are discussed.
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